Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Welcome to My New Blog!

Hi everyone, I'm so glad that you made it to my blog. Welcome spring and I'm springing into a new design name! Pinkadilly Ink.

Today was a spectacular day in snowy white stuff. Here in the Nothern State of Minnesota in March it does not necessarily mean spring quite yet. March can be one of our snowiest months. Boy, oh boy, did we get hit today. It started snowing about 3PM Central DST. Everything is now buried in white.

I was working tonight at the gas station and our parking lot turned white within 20 minutes. and WIND! Wowzers, it was w.i.n.d.y! By 9 pm We had about six inches of the white stuff and it's good snowman snow too, heavy and wet. Schools are delayed tomorrow so maybe some of the neighborhood kiddies will pile up some forts or roll a few snowmen, or snowballs, or something.

Now for the goodies. I have been a digital designer for several years at several different stores. Previously Crystalz Colorz.

This week, I've picked on Digital Scrapbooking Studio and their lovely Color Challenge for a freebie goodie for you. These colors are AMAZING! Woohoo! Thank you for the lovely springy color palette.

Direct Download LINK